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  • Foto do escritornastassja pugliese

My research on women in philosophy:

Atualizado: 6 de fev. de 2021

I have been dealing with exegetical and methodological problems that arise in and from the recovery of the works of Early & Modern women philosophers who have written on metaphysics and on education. On my current project on metaphysics, I analyse the work of Anne Conway from the point of view of her critique of Spinoza (Pugliese 2019a). On this research, I work with the assumption that she is a philosopher that is part of the history of Spinozism who needs to be further studied as such. In addition, I investigate her theory of individuation using gender as an interpretation key and I have shown (tbp) that Conway offers an original framework for a feminist metaphysics. With the research group that I coordinate at UFRJ, Other Classics - History of Philosophy and Education, we are working on hidden figures in the history of philosophy. I have a special interest on themes related to women’s education and their intellectual contributions. In collaboration with Gisele Secco (UFSM), we have analysed the works of Nísia Floresta, a 19th century Brazilian women that came to be known as “the Brazilian Wollstonecraft” (Secco & Pugliese to be published), mapping her main philosophical arguments. At the moment, I am writing on the sources of Floresta’s feminist arguments (Wollstonecraft, [Sophia], and Poulain de la Barre) to figure out how much of it appears on her later work, the Opúsculo Humanitário (1853), and what are her specific contributions to the history of women's education and to philosophical feminism. Finally, my goal with educational research is to conceive of a feminist pedagogy that works for courses on different spectra of the university curriculum - from mathematics and logic to philosophy and the social sciences. With this aim in mind, I am also engaged on projects of inclusive logic teaching.

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